
Expert Reviews
Tons of bloggers and experts within the survival, emergency preparedness, and MRE community have reviewed Meal Kit Supply MREs, with only good things to say. We’ve collected some of the most informative reviews here, so you can get a well-rounded idea of what to expect when purchasing Meal Kit Supply MREs.
Sometimes it’s just easier to watch someone else review a product for you. We get that. Check out some of the video reviews of our MREs: they’re thorough, detailed, and straight-forward. If you’re hungry for more (har har), you can read our customer testimonials or Meal Kit Supply features in the press.
If you’ve still got questions, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re real people.
Blog Reviews

"Plenty of you reading this have served in the US Armed Forces and are all too familiar with the old MRE’s (meal, ready to eat). Plenty more have run into them during disaster operations or when someone pulls one out of a bag when out camping. The content of these sealed pouches has changed quite a bit in the last two decades, let’s take a look at what a company like Meal Kit Supply has done to bring MRE’s to the top of the food chain." > Read the full review of our MRE!

"There’s so much food here, you could eat some for lunch and save some for dinner. This is not dehydrated food. Instead, it comes with a heating packet activated by a tiny bit of water to warm up the entrée…They’re super easy to prepare and pretty tasty, too." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"I have to say my beef ravioli was off the chain. Hearty, tasty and warm. I could imagine this would be a dream meal on a cold night in the mountains…The "Bread & Spread’ segment of the meal was pretty delicious for a snack…Clean-up is a breeze…All in all we are fans of these products. We are all obsessed with the flameless ration heater." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"Meal Kit Supply is a US-based company with a unique offering – their custom-designed MREs are assembled with an eye towards menu variety and meal diversity. You get more average calories per meal (more food!), more menu variety (10 vs. 6), breakfast items…makes Meal Kit Supply MREs worth the extra premium…unique Flameless Ration Heater…This FRH-wrapping feature also gives you room to be creative." > Read the rest of these MRE reviews!

"We have tried a lot of MREs before and had never seen tortillas and surprisingly they were good…Even picky eaters will have plenty to find…The real value that Meal Kit Supply provides is building full meals that make sense…there were breakfast options that I hadn’t see in other Case of 12 MREs." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"Meal Kit Supply’s Apple Maple Oatmeal was the surprise hit of this testing. It reminded me of a nerd’s first girlfriend-pretty rough to look at, but very sweet and likable…The chili was rich and meaty, spicy and tasted almost homemade. Entrée Winner: Meal Kit Supply’s Chili with beans. Just like mom used to make!" > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"Yes, they are that good…not starvation pseudo-MREs [like those] from some other companies. My entire family really liked the various MREs that were sent to me for testing – didn’t find any meals we didn’t like…I believe if you served someone one of these MREs, they would think you made the meal fresh yourself." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"…MREs are proven reliable. If our military uses them you can bet that you could find reasons to use them too…The MREs from Meal Kit Supply tasted better than the food I ate many years ago so I am happy to recommend the > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"I was very impressed by the fact that these MREs did not contain excessive dyes or other chemicals…Since the packets are also fairly light weight, you can easily put them in a bug out bag or carry them for long distances…Whether an earthquake strikes, Ebola erupts into a catastrophic epidemic, or some other disaster strikes…MREs from Meal Kit Supply LLC can be a lifesaver." > Read the rest of these MRE reviews!

"I was absolutely shocked when I took the first bite and realized that unlike the MRE rumors I had heard, the lasagna from Meal Kit Supply was absolutely delicious! It was seriously on par with Mom’s homemade spaghetti, the flavor was excellent and you could tell it was made with high quality ingredients…I highly recommend that you pick up a box of these MRE’s from Meal Kit Supply to include in your preps." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"With this company, I have an excellent idea as to the expected shelf life of my MREs rather than an uncertain two years of storage with another company…The cocoa was a smash hit!…the freshness was very noticeable compared to another company’s maple muffin top that we had reviewed…could have very well passed for a homemade one" > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"The vegetarian ratatouille was actually pretty tasty. It had vegetable pieces and sauce was flavorful. The strawberry shake tasted similar to Nesle’s Strawberry Quik; I think kids would like it…the MRE from Meal Kit Supply was fresher tasting than other MREs I have tried in the past. Prior to this sample, I have never finished one; in this case I actually ate the rest of it as my lunch." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"Much wider variety of meals, especially with breakfast foods, and different deserts and sides…[The] Chicken with Noodles and Vegetables in Sauce was a spicy, Asian dish – very tasty [and] had a nice tang to it…Crunchy Peanut Butter – this stuff rocks! [The Vanilla Pudding] was a nice, thick pudding consistency, great vanilla flavor, and an all around great dessert." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"Easy to open…What’s inside the MRE is listed on the outside of the bag which is awesome. The heaters in these MREs are great! They have very simple instructions and are much larger than the military version. Pork Patty. Lots of flavor, reminds me of the old ham slice but with more spice or a souped up Vienna sausage. Au Gratin Potatoes. My first WOW moment…These were great which meant I ate over half the package." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"The pork sausage patty MRE was a nice change of pace from some of the usual breakfast entrees…On a scale of 1 to 10, I give [Chicken Fajita] an 8 (with 10 being reserved for homemade fajitas)…[Chili and Beans] tasted as good as, if not better, than the canned versions available in the grocery store…" > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"These tasty, shelf-stable kits contain comfort foods like Chicken Fajitas, Vegetarian Lasagna, Spaghetti, Chili, Ratatouille, and Meatballs, as well as everything else you need for a hot meal in the backcountry…Also a great idea for hurricane season, tornado shelters, and emergency preparedness." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!

"These little babies pack a mean punch! I always feel completely satisfied (if not a bit over satisfied) after eating one of these…These things come with a cookie that is to DIE for! I have on occasion eaten the cookie as I wait for the flameless heater to warm up my meal… dessert first is always in good taste. My grandma couldn’t do cookies this good." > Read the full review of our 3-course MRE!
Video Reviews
Southern Prepper,
Meals Ready to Eat: A food that works great in your bug out bag or where you have limited resources to prepare another type of meal.
"I have to say that Meal Kit Supply gives a lot of information with its products. The case itself has a lot of useful information for people who might not be too familiar with MREs." GSchultz9 has done several reviews of Meal Kit Supply MREs. Please visit his channel to view them all!
Live Long Gear,
"Great shelf stable type Meal ready to eat overall. From what I have read, these MRE’s sound like the highest quality, best content, and overall most thought out."